Tuesday, April 15, 2014

NonChristmas, Christmas letter update, back to blogging!

Among many other quests I vowed to undertake this year, getting back to writing is one of them. Not so much about Ellie but the family as her journey is also ours, And to include more pictures and videos. So here is my nonChristmas letter Christmas letter update!


Ellie is now 3 1/2 yrs old, 1 1/2yrs post spine surgery. She is doing so fantastic, biased opinion of course! Still with braces to help her walk but without any assistive devices. Fearless and determined she has taken into running, well the best her little legs can run! I cringe and sometimes half close one eye as if that will help when she majorly buffs it! I now understand why during high school basketball my mom sat with her eyes covered a lot! 5'6'' is not a tall post by the way I had to fight those bigger girls!

Ellie started private speech, physical, and occupation therapy weekly in Omaha. She has been going for about 6 months now and we can definitely tell a difference. I can not say enough about the help we have received along the way just to advocate and send us in the right direction to get Ellie the BEST care and help possible. We are currently waiting for a Talking tool where Ellie can use a medical tablet for speak for her. I am so glad she is smart because she will have to teach me how to use it. She buzzes right through like a wiz! We did lose our favorite speech teacher so far Melissa, wishing her the best in her new adventure but will greatly miss her.

Ellie lost a her hearing again a couple months ago and had to have a different type of tube placed in her ears. After 2 yrs, 12-15 hearing tests, 2 ear surgeries, and 3 ENT doctors this Dr finally explained the connection to the inner ear and her cerebral palsy,,, who would have thought! She is back to hearing normally and breaking her glasses on a weekly basis!

Besides all of Ellie's medical needs she is loving preschool and all her school friends! And will go on her first field trip in a couple weeks. She just wants to ride the bus! Ellie has joined yoga! She thinks she is hot stuff but it double duties for therapy and for fun so it works!


Alex has been diagnosed in the last yr with a rare eye condition, which apparently he was born with. His R eye does not process what it sees and overtime the nerves stop growing and will die off leaving him blind in that eye! So he has glasses with a script for that eye to make the objects clear and then he is supposed to patch the good eye in order to force the bad eye to work. The hope will be to regain the nerves as he grows and return to some normal function. Have you ever looked for cool eye patches?! Well they do not exist and the ones that are COOL are not as effective,,, creativity at its best rendered some AWESOME patches, you really can use duct tape for anything! :)

Alex is in kindergarten and loves it. I try to volunteer in the class as much as I can between Ellie and working. Soccer season is also upon us. Coach is strict, I love it, not sure Alex does!

Many days if I am not already crazy I think I must be toting these 2 around everyday to all their stuff! Oh yeah and we still have John!

John still works for Yahoo and was recently promoted to a Senior Ad Operations Specialist. He tries to follow the kids and I crazy schedule and keep up but someone has to work outside the home to keep Ellie accustomed to her newest hobby,,,, SHOPPING! I still work for my company in Las Vegas and occasionally take call at the hospital.

And who can forget Monk-A-Daisy, the golden doodle dog, and Garfield the cat!

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